I was just clicked through a link onto the Oprah Show asking what were your favourite Baby Shower gifts, and I thought it would make an excellent blog post.
There were three things that I could not have made it though the first 6 months of motherhood without—all of them bought off of eBay, none of them received as shower gifts—but I believe any Mother would be thrilled to receive them as a gift.
The first was my Boppy. I am a breastfeeding mother, who was determined to make it through the rough beginning no matter what. I could not have done it without my Boppy. In fact I have 2 Boppies one for upstairs and one for downstairs. It seemed like all I did for the first three months was breastfeed my daughter. The boppy allowed me to have my hands sort of free and get her in just the right position to latch onto the breast properly. It was definitely a life-saver.
The second item was the Fisher Price Cradle Swing. When we put Georgia in the swing she would sleep 5, 6 even 8 hours in a row, which meant that we could sleep 5, 6 even 8 hours in a row. It was a sanity saver. We didn’t have the swing for the first 2 months, and when we put Georgia down to sleep in her bassinet, crib, or safety sleeper she would sleep an hour maybe an hour and a half at a time.
Another plus about the cradle swing—because the baby sleeps at a slight incline, it takes the pressure off of their head and keeps them from having that flat head some kids get due to the “Back to Sleep” SIDS prevention campaign. A big negative about the swing is that in takes 4 D Batteries, and we went through them quickly. Fisher Price should think about adding an optional plug-in adapter to help save on those batteries.
The last baby product that I couldn’t live without was the Baby Bjorn Carrier. We bought a travel system stroller and car seat, so we could easily take Georgia out shopping and be able to transport her from car to stroller without waking her. This never worked. As soon as we got into the store she would start crying—we then found ourselves carrying her while pushing this big empty stroller—not fun.
Once we bought the Baby Bjorn she was much happier. She especially liked being able to see all the people when she was out. People also interacted with her because she was up on your chest. I think that it helped with her with her social development, and it is so much easier to move around shops without a stroller.
The Bjorn was a also a life-saver at home—if she was a little fussy I could slip her in to the carrier and still get stuff done around the house.
Now too big for the Bjorn, she enjoys the stroller as she can sit up and see out. I was able to sell one of my Baby Bjorn‘s on eBay for more then I paid for it.
(Shameless plug ahead) I would be remiss if on the Snug-A-Bug Blanket Blog, I didn’t recommend any of my blankets as great shower gifts. They are perfect for the Fisher Price swing, carseat, and your travel system stroller (that your baby may or may not like).
Tell me what your three favourite things were for your first 6 months with baby.
Tags: Baby, breastfeeding, baby products, ebay, Oprah, Boppy, cradle swing, Fisher Price, Must have baby items, baby shower gifts, gift, parenting, motherhood
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